Tuesday 3 July 2012

End of June - garlic, onions, shallots

Weather is still hit and miss. Reasonably warm but lots of rain and not much sun. Getting down to the allotment twice a week. Recent jobs:

- lifted garlic, smaller than I had hoped but they did get rust about two months ago. Roasted some last Saturday and they were sweet though.
- lifted snowball white onions, ok size
- lifted radar onions, not a bad yield but not massively successful
- lifted electric red onions, ended up with about half a dozen out of a full set of 30 or so planted!
- prepared ground for planting out squashes and pumpkins that have been hardened off in the garden. I have planted two more lots just in case they don't take as they were batterered by the strong wind and rain two weeks ago
- put up two posts and netting and planted out more runner beans. Have a feeling we'll be sick of runner beans in a couple of months!
- planted more peas in between the runner beans. Will have lots of peas to pick very soon - superb!!!
- picked red and cos lettuce, rocket and radishes for salads. Lovely. Salad onions won't be too much longer now
- sowed beetroot and boule d'or turnips directly in ground. Sprouting now.
- planted out leeks. Seem to be doing ok but are small - might be ready by Christmas if I'm lucky!
- planted out sweet corn, ended up with about 7 in the end out of approximately 20 seeds
- courgette plants x 3 are starting to flower. Lots of courgettes coming soon!
- planted out more borlotto bean plants after the slugs and snails decimated half of the original lot.
- covered raspberries with netting. Blackberry, gooseberry and blackcurrant plants were new in this year and will not yield until next year, they are coming on ok though.

Well that's a fair list of activities from the past month. I have been busy. Heres hoping we get some sunshine in July but it's not looking likely at present. Off to Brittany in August so will be praying we get lucky with the weather then as the wales camping trip at the start of
June was a bit of a washout.

Will take some photos next time I am down and post up shortly.

Note for next year: plant mangetout. Picked some up from kenyon hall farm PYO fruit and they were lovely.

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