Sunday 27 May 2012

Sunny end to May

The weather has really picked up with temperatures up to 26 degrees the past three days! Everything has put on a growth spurt. Jobs from this week:

- put up support canes for beans
- planted more peas in front of bean support
- planted more spring onions and cos lettuce
- planted borlotti beans straight in ground (never grown before so will be interesting to see how these get on)
- planted out runner beans (lady di) and purple French beans

Popped down first thing today to water and noticed that the children's pumpkins, peas and beetroot are coming up.

Off on holiday camping for a week next Saturday so I want to dig over the final piece of planting ground ready to take the leeks, beetroot, more beans and peas during the evenings this week.

Tuesday 22 May 2012

It's coming along nicely, just need it to warm up a bit

Slowly but surely I have been digging out the couch grass that still shows signs of life even after being under carpet for 9 months. You can see the clump below to see what I mean. I'm trying to get most of it out to save on weeding later.

My daughters have been planting various seeds and the friendly allotmenteer next door kindly gave them some sunflowers that you can see Georgia watering below.

The peas are coming up as are the potatoes. Planted some carrots under netting to deter the carrot fly but they have not raised their heads yet.

Popped down last night to setup the bamboo supports for the borlottii beans and purple French beans. Managed to pick up 6 metal stakes at a car boot sale for wooden posts to sit in that will make good vertical supports for runner beans and more peas. Paid £1.50 per stake and they are about £8 in b&q! Bargain.

Here are some pictures taken during the past couple of weeks. Further updates to follow. At last the sun has arrived this week 24 degrees tomorrow!!