Tuesday 18 September 2012

Mid September harvest time!

With the nights drawing in fast it is weekends only now for visits down to the allotment. We have been picking runner beans, carrots and golden ball turnips since returning from France at the end I august.

Summer was short and not so warm this year. Must live abroad (France) in warmer climes when I'm older.

Recent jobs:
- picking runner beans, late sowing of peas are great, turnips, carrots, potatoes
- made some spiced runner bean relish
- blanched and frozen about 18 bags of runner beans and peas! A satisfying way to pass a couple hours, storing homegrown food for the coming winter months.
- picked the first of the pumpkins and made a lovely pumpkin lasagne
- salvaged one calabrese cabbage and have hopefully saved the two Brussels sprouts but am not holding my breath - the caterpillars have had their fill while I was on holiday

Some pics below taken last weekend: kale, peas, my neighbour with his onions for the Lymm produce show last weekend (must enter next year), pumpkin, sunflowers and more pumpkins!